Transform Your Writing Workflow: How Lineage Plugin Unlocks The Power of Writing in Obsidian

Poor Delmar's Handbook
3 min readMay 31, 2024


I would name Lineage the best plugin in Obsidian for anyone who uses Obsidian to write articles/posts/papers. As I said in Speak, Record, Organize: Why I Paid $50 for This AI Notetaking App After Just 10 Minutes, the most difficult part to write something is that I need to sit down and reform my words in a linear way. But with Lineage, writing explodes!

Usually, how do we write an article?

We enjoyed a wonderful bath, brushed our teeth, put on a comfy pyjama, and prepared ourself in front of our desk.

Now, we launch our software and start to write the title. Then, we give up today. Hold on, come back. Let’s write the first heading and some content. Meanwhile, our thoughts are fleeting away.

This is me as always when I was writing a lot of posted articles. I had to struggle a lot of days to finish something.

But now, things change. This part was done in the last moment because I installed Lineage plugin! I do not have to finish this post from the top to the bottom. I jump to any part that I want without losing any of my suddenly precious ideas. Time to discover how!

How do we write by Lineage plugin?

First, we don’t know how to write a title or any headings, so we just simply skip it and go to the section that we have some ideas. But suddenly, I have another thought how I can use this plugin in a structured way. The former sentence was done after drafting the below paragraph. It is certain that you can do that in other editors but it is just not as elegant as you can do with this plugin (or its pioneer — Gingko).

I didn’t finish my sentence in the last part but begin to write this card because I want to introduce how to structure my article in advance of writing anything, which is to use Lineage as a mindmap. If I had a whole picture of my article before writing, I can dump the structure immediately. Later on, I focus on preparing each dish. As shown, when you click on each card, it will only exhibit the related part(s) to help you concentrate. More importantly, every moment you just need to finish one card effortlessly.

Last, when we are writing something very long, sometimes we would like to restructure it. It is, however, not very easy if we are using a linear editor, namely the majority of editors. But in Lineage, I just move my mouse to the very left edge of this card and drag it to any section I want. As I told, at any point of time, I just need to devote myself into one card. The structure can always be easy to reset.

What are some additional surprises in Lineage?

I don’t want to write too long for this short post, so I will just keep it simple. It’s better for yourself to use the plugin to understand how amazing this plugin is. Now, let’s summarize:

  • Preset shortcuts to help writing without mouse.
  • History to help you travel back at any time.
  • Fuzzy search to improve search results.
  • GUI to add cards faster if you are not a keyboard player.

Although there are some additional stuff if we open the file back in editor, we can still export the article in a clean way without extra efforts. Thanks to Lineage, we can use Gingko for free.


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Poor Delmar's Handbook

Work and live in Western Europe. Newbie in a bank. Productivity app player. Salut salut!! Same @delmarshandbook everywhere!